EAF Posts Calendar

Note: EAF has taken an indefinite hiatus, beginning December 2015; no new posts will be published until further notice and no guest post requests will be accepted at this time.

Check out our calendar and see when your favorite EAF writers are scheduled to post!  If you are interested in guest writing for EAF, we’d love to hear from you, so check out the available timeslots in the calendar below and then shoot us a message using the contact form at the bottom of the page!

Information for Prospective Guest Writers:

Guest posts are available as indicated in the EAF Posts Calendar (above) and are intended to provide STEM students, graduates, professionals, etc. with an opportunity to try their hand at STEM-blogging.  Benefits of guest writing include:

  • Gain valuable experience in STEM-blogging
  • Improve your communication skills
  • Put your critical thinking skills to work
  • Explore your interests with regards to the STEM fields
  • A personalized letter from the EAF team commending your contribution to EAF and the community
  • Recognition for your contribution on the EAF Guest Writers page
  • The chance to inspire interest in the STEM fields amongst the general public
  • Many more!

Note: While these writing opportunities are intended to be for people within the world of STEM, in some special circumstances we may permit non-STEM-experienced writers to publish posts, but this will be quite rare.
If a guest post is not available for one of the timeslots in the calendar, Brian will provide a post instead.

Please submit any inquiries about guest writing for EAF in the EAF Guest Post Request Form at the bottom of the page.

Not all guest posts will be accepted.  All guest posts will be subjected to the same thorough vetting/scrutiny as the EAF writers are subjected to in their posts in order to avoid presenting sub-par content or any alienating/profane/discriminatory/etc. remarks or influence.

We hold our writers to high standards and expect the same from any prospective guest writers.  Guest writers are limited to five (5) posts maximum per year.  Prospective guest writers will be considered on a first-come, first-serve basis, with returning guest writers being given lower priority in comparison to new prospective guest writers.  Competing prospective guest writers will also be evaluated on the basis of quality of writing and content.  Lastly, all guest prospective guest posts have to be approved by unanimous decision by all current EAF members.

Guest timeslots are available once every six (6) weeks (as can be seen on the EAF Posts Calendar at the top of the page).  The deadline to contact EAF about writing a guest post is two (2) weeks prior to the guest post timeslot itself.  Late requests will not be honored for the timeslot applied for; these requests may be instead re-submitted for the next cycle, which starts the day following the timeslot applied for.

ex.: If a prospective guest writer wanted to provide a post for the available Wednesday, December 16th, 2015 timeslot (as shown on the calendar), they would need to contact EAF by 2400 hours on Wednesday, December 2nd, 2015.  If they contacted EAF at 0001 hours on December 3rd, they would not be considered for the December 16th, 2015 timeslot, but could resubmit for consideration for the following timeslot (Wednesday, January 27th, 2015) beginning at 0001 hours on December 17th, 2015.

Note: all times are taken according to the Pacific Timezone (Los Angeles, CA, USA).

If you are interested in contacting EAF about the possibility of writing a guest post and you have consulted the calendar and read through the above disclaimer information, please fill out the EAF Guest Post Request Form below.

Don’t be afraid to give guest writing a shot and to put yourself out there, we promise it’s well worth it and not too long ago, in July 2014 (before TeamUV.org and EngineeringAFuture.com), none of us here at EAF had ever done anything quite like this (STEM blogging).  All of us had to overcome some amount of nervousness and anxiety; but I’ll tell you what, I believe the entire EAF team would agree with me when I say that writing here on EAF (and TeamUV.org previously) has been one of the most awesome, rewarding experiences of my life! We can’t wait to hear from you!

EAF Guest Post Request Form (see calendar and above information first)

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)

Your Relation to the STEM Fields (i.e. mechanical engineering student, ocean engineering professor, materials post-doc researcher, practicing civil engineer, etc.)

Your Website (if applicable)

Country of Email Origin (optional)

Your Message

Check here if you read and understand the above disclaimer information.